Bake Stable Sprinkles: Mix these sprinkles into your cookie dough before baking for bright pops of color in your cookies!*
*Te gebruiken voor koekjes zowel voor als na het bakken. Minder geschikt voor vloeibaar beslag zoals cake, net zoals botercrème en slagroom. (Best used in cookie dough before baking. These are less suited for more liquid batter such as cake batter, American buttercream and whipped cream. Test first for best results! See an example on the Sprinkles 101 page.
Super Cookie Strands are jimmies for your little super hero cookies! This bright and bold mix includes yellow, red and blue sprinkle strands to add fun pops of color to your cookies on the inside and the outside. It's the perfect super hero confetti birthday cookies!
These sprinkles will not bleed their color into your cookie dough!
Add these sprinkles to your cookie dough before baking to make popular American funfetti or confetti birthday cookies.